About Us

Welcome to Life is 'Life'® Apparel, your one-stop shop for original conversation-starting apparel. We are on a mission to bring hope and encouragement to a broken world. Our desire is to equip the body of Christ with an effective means of sharing the Gospel. Our shirts are designed to draw people's hearts to God.


One of our long-term goals is to develop this website as a a "forum" dedicated to providing both Christian believers and "seekers" with hope, comfort, support, and answers in these unprecedented times.


Also in the works are original Christian music, books, and the Breakfast Sandwich devotionals (real-life encouragement sandwiched between two nourishing verses of God's Word).


Life can often take a bad turn, leaving us broken, disillusioned and even wondering if it is worth living. We can either allow the pain and suffering to defeat us or let God use it all for good. We're choosing the latter...and we encourage others to do the same. And there is an Answer. Jesus said, "In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." -- John 16:33


God's blessings to you.


--Life is Life® Company


God has graciously shown us how "brokenness" can be used for good.


All of humanity understands pain, loss, and suffering. Essentially, each one of us is "broken." It is the common ground we all share and so creates the perfect opportunity for sharing the Gospel. The problem, however, is that Christianity is greatly misunderstood in our culture. People are jaded and resistant to any talk of God. Or they feel they are not "good enough" for Him. It has created a wall.


But there is a solution -- "meeting people where they are... in humility." This is the one thing that can make the wall crumble...and open a door to people's hearts.


Yes, life is broken. However, no one is without hope for God's rescue! That is what LIFE IS 'LIFE'® is all about.