
Spiritual Maturity

11th Sep 2024

Spiritual Maturity

Circumstances can affect individuals differently. In a Christian’s life, this speaks to the importance of our faith and character. Challenges and trials are inevitable, but how we respond reflects our …

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Is There Any Hope?

3rd Jul 2024

Is There Any Hope?

“... Our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.” (Romans 8:18) In the end, God wins. Evil loses. All is made right. And awaiting us... An unfathoma …

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Making a Way Through the Impossible

28th Jan 2024

Making a Way Through the Impossible

Walking on the beach one morning, I pondered how we cannot force the waves to reach any further on the shore, nor can we delay or hasten them. There is too much power in the ocean to affect it.  …

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Give Thanks

21st Nov 2023

Give Thanks

"Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever."  Psalm 107:1
Fear or Faith?

22nd Sep 2023

Fear or Faith?

There is a constant battle within us.  One voice prompts us to live each day in constant anticipation of the "bad" that might happen. The other voice urges us to walk boldly into the unknow …

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