
Going Home

12th Jul 2023

Going Home

There are few words as comforting as “home.”  For most, it remains the ultimate destination of our daily lives. We go to work, run errands, visit friends, go on vacation, but eventually we go ho …

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He First Loved Us

21st Apr 2023

He First Loved Us

Nothing ever comes close to the love that was demonstrated on the cross. God sent His only Son, Jesus Christ, to die, so we don't have to face death for our sins. He loves you and me with such pr …

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Unfounded Fear?

26th Jan 2023

Unfounded Fear?

Has anyone experienced this? 

A career, business, job, property acquisition, project, school course, relationship, or a well-thought-out plan not panning out? Fear of the unknown… Unfounded …

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7th Jan 2023


What does 2023 hold for each one of us? The world is rapidly changing in these unsettling, unprecedented times. BUT, how comforting to know that we can trust an amazing God who NEVER CHANGES. He knows …

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6th Dec 2022

​Who Are We Listening To?

"In the morning, LORD, You hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before You and wait expectantly."Psalm 5:3Voices have never been so plentiful in all of history. They battle continuously for …

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5th Sep 2022


"But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise...the weak things of he world to shame the strong..." 1 Cor. 1:27The world qualifies by accomplishments, awards and degrees. God qualif …

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