Making a Way Through the Impossible

28th Jan 2024

Making a Way Through the Impossible

Walking on the beach one morning, I pondered how we cannot force the waves to reach any further on the shore, nor can we delay or hasten them. There is too much power in the ocean to affect it. 

The vastness of mountains and seas can be overwhelming. And there are principles and forces in this world to which we must simply yield. This realization can leave us feeling powerless and small. Yet, as believers, we have the same God Who established these mighty principles and forces on our side. 

As we cling to our Lord, the all-powerful God, we can survive turbulent waves and overcome massive mountains in life. Not one of our trials is too big for Him to conquer. 

If we submit ourselves to Him, we will have the Creator of the universe battling on our behalf and making a way where no way seemed possible. 

"Even the wind and the waves obey Him..." -- Matthew 8:27 ?