6th Dec 2022

​Who Are We Listening To?

"In the morning, LORD, You hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before You and wait expectantly."

Psalm 5:3

Voices have never been so plentiful in all of history. They battle continuously for our attention. It has never been so difficult, so rare to find silence and ultimately, peace. Though abundant, the mass of words that bombard us are not dependable -truth is mixed with lies, good advice with bad, hope with fear. There must have been a reason why Jesus spent each morning in a quiet place listening to His Father. He was obviously preparing for the day. If the Son of God found that necessary, how much more do we need our time alone with the One Who loves us perfectly, knows the answer to every problem, and has our future in His hands.

"Be still and know that I AM GOD..."

Psalm 46:10